Note: Approx 62% of people who reach this page don’t read & follow the below instructions and will NOT be able to get access to the event. We don’t want you to be one of those 62%, so please read carefully and follow ALL the instructions.
To back up these figures, we currently have 226 email registrations for the live stream event and only 84 people have applied to join the Facebook Group where this event will be held! That’s 62%! And that’s why you need to read all the instructions and follow them carefully.
You’re in. We look forward to having you join all of us on the 16th of May for the amazing Tomcat Golden Anniversary Year celebration live stream event.
So, there several things you need to do now, to ensure you definitely have gotten your front row seat for this unique event.
1. You should have received an automated email from us with instructions on joining the Private Facebook group this event will be live streamed into on the day.
If you’re not a member of this Private Facebook Group, you won’t be able to attend the Live Stream!
Check your email for the subject line “Congratulations, you’re registered for the F-14 Live Streaming event!” from Eran Malloch of Fight’s On!
The email details will be something like this:
2. If you do NOT receive this email within 10 minutes, please check your junk mail folder as it may have ended up in there. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do about that, but if you find it in there, just select it & tell your email program that this is NOT spam, and it should go back into your inbox.
From there, you can open it, read it and follow the instructions for joining the Facebook Group and our start time, etc.
2.1 If the email doesn’t show up and you have a spare email address you can use, try WHITELISTING our email first, just to see if that helps.
Click here for Whitelisting instructions using our email, which is: mail@sendfoxmail.com
3. If you do NOT receive this email at all after 10 minutes AND it’s not in your junk mail folder AND you have whitelisted your first (and second) email address, then please try registering again using a different email address. Sometimes the emails don’t even reach your inbox and we can’t fix that because it’s an external computer system causing it that we have no control over.
4. If a second email address doesn’t work, then please send an email to the admin email address shown in the image above, letting us know your name & email address and we’ll see what we can do to fix things on our side. Please do NOT send us an email unless you have tried this twice & failed, as that admin address isn’t checked too often. Consider it a last ditch emergency option!
5. If all that fails, then just click here to visit the Fights On Military Aviation Facebook group this event will be live streamed into and request to join the group. That way, you won’t miss out (as long as you turn up on the day!) IMPORTANT: If you don’t do this, you won’t get onto the Live Stream!
OK, that’s it! Welcome onboard and we all look forward to having you join us on this coming Saturday at 10.30am US Eastern Time.
Lastly, if you’d like to keep in touch with our future events, videos and cool stories being shared by pilots like Paco & RIO’s like Bio, visit our YouTube channel and subscribe, and our Facebook Page and Like it to keep up to date.